Free Radio In Berlin and Brandenburg
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This is not a full English version of the German website,
but it is a good general description of what it's about.
appeal questions petition participate contact archive

Contact: here
Förderverein für ein Freies Radio in Berlin e.V.

Postfach 02 99 19
D-10132 Berlin

The members of meet up weekly in the half cellar rooms of Lottumstr. 9/10 in 10119 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg.
You are welcome to come by if you're interested, just please send us an e-mail beforehand in case a meetings been cancelled or moved to another location.

bank account for donations to - Förderverein für ein Freies Radio in Berlin e.V.:

Konto-Nr.: 521 705 109
BLZ: 100 100 10
Postbank Berlin

Postfach 02 99 19 - 10132 Berlin
